Words From Our Founder

Our Founder Devina Louise

Back in 2016, I embarked on an exciting journey by starting my own brand. The inspiration behind it all stemmed from my genuine passion for the hands-on creation of clothing. Throughout high school, my favourite class was textiles and design, and working with fabrics and sewing felt like second nature to me. It's funny how these skills seemed to skip two generations and find their way to me, thanks to my great-grandmother, Gertrude.

Being a nature child at heart, I was excited to have the opportunity to not only pursue my love for creating clothes but also make a positive impact on the environment. I wanted my brand to stand for sustainability and ethical practices, not just in clothing production but also in promoting sustainable lifestyles and mindsets. It was my way of joining a movement that aligned with my personal values.

My journey began at the Glebe and Kirribilli markets. I can still vividly remember those early days! Since I didn't have a car at the time, my mom had to drop me off and pick me up. My first-ever market experience was unforgettable. I made a proud $300, even though I was also terrified to talk to customers. I would hide in the change room to let myself cry. It was tough, but my belief in what I was doing kept me going. Even now, there are moments when I feel the urge to hide, but for the most part, I've grown to love engaging with people and talking about beautiful clothing. Understanding their desires and seeing their joyful expressions when they try on something from my brand brings me so much joy!

Over the years, I attended various markets across Sydney, and eventually, I found my place at The Rocks Market. It has been the perfect fit for my brand, and I continue to trade there because it truly represents who I am as a designer. I cherish the opportunity to have face-to-face interactions with my customers, hearing their stories and feedback firsthand.

As time went on, I ventured into the shops of Mosman, introducing myself and my brand while showcasing a few samples. It took countless "no's" before I finally received a "yes" from a lovely and bubbly lady who owned a charming boutique in Mosman - One French Summer. She graciously allowed me to leave my samples in her store, and to my excitement, all three pieces were sold by the end of the weekend! She provided invaluable feedback that helped me further refine and grow my brand. It was during this phase that I discovered the beauty of working with linen, inspired by how stunning it looked in her shop and the beautiful experience of sewing and creating with it.

Our linen jumpsuit marked the beginning of my linen range, and I couldn't be happier with how popular it was! It's amazing how a single garment can make such an impact.

Being sustainable and thinking sustainably has always been ingrained in my nature. Sometimes, to my own demise, like when I refuse to buy a lettuce just because it's wrapped in unnecessary plastic. Seriously, why?! I love salads but can't seem to get myself to buy a lettuce that's wrapped in plastic.

From the start, producing my clothing in Australia felt like the right thing to do. It was a natural progression for me, driven by my values. Only later did I fully realise the tremendous positive impact it has on our environment, economy, and ethical practices. It makes me proud to continue creating and supporting the Australian fashion industry.

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